
July 25, 2017

Where do you give up?

Are you working on something in your business or in your personal life?

Are you trying to get through to someone? Maybe you’re dating or maybe you’re putting yourself out there in a new way, trying to get things going. You find yourself in the same position over and over and over.

Where are you giving up? Where are you not getting the success you’re looking for? For example, if you are looking to increase sales, if you want to make more money in your business, are you reaching out to people? Are you following up on leads that you have? Are you putting yourself out there? Are you doing posts? Are you doing live videos? Where is it that your comfort zone stops you from moving forward?

Comfort zone or danger zone?

I have to tell you that your comfort zone is probably one of the most dangerous things for your business and for your success. It’s where we’re trained to stay. Just think about when you were a kid, if you would speak out or you would say something that was against the grain, you were labeled as being too outspoken or that you were doing things that you weren’t supposed to do. Because of that, it keeps you quiet. You shut down and you’re not able to move forward. You lose your wind. You lose your confidence and you back down.

What about in your personal life or in your sex life? Where are you not putting yourself out there because of something that happened in the past? Maybe you’re not comfortable asking for something you want or saying what your needs are. It can be so easy to stay in your comfort zone, but one of the really dangerous things is when you’re in your comfort zone, it feels all warm and cozy, but you’re going to find yourself looking at the same goals you have right now as the ones you had six months ago.

It doesn’t matter what’s going on, you have to be making progress. You have to push yourself outside of your comfort zone. If things aren’t going well in your life, you have to start questioning why. ‘Where is it that I’m not pushing myself? Where have I stopped before?’ Especially if you’ve had momentum and you’ve lost it.

I work a lot with clients that go up and down. They’re on a roller coaster. Think about the high of your last peak, what stopped you? What made you lose momentum and stop moving forward? I guarantee that it’s something that wanted you back in your comfort zone. Maybe you said something or people started to notice that you were doing quite well, and so what they did is they made this sly little comment that sent you back down to your comfort zone.

It may not always feel good

What about in your personal life? Are you dating someone? As you date that person, when things are moving forward, they might start to not like what you’re saying. Maybe you’re presenting some truth to them that they don’t really enjoy hearing, so they turn things around on you and they put you as the person to blame, and it sends you back in your comfort zone. The comfort zone is not the person that stands in their truth and who tells the other person what they really think.

Where are you sending yourself back to your comfort zone? Because that is your danger zone. Any time you get comfortable, you start making a certain amount of money and then you take your foot off the gas, I guarantee that’s going to affect you in the future.

You really have to look at where you have been designed to conform, to get back into the box that someone else made for you. Where can you move forward, in a way that’s really going to help you progress. Because there’s no such thing as a comfort zone that really helps people reach the peak of success that they’re looking for. It’s bullshit.

There’s a lot of people out there that say, “Well, it doesn’t feel good when I do that.” Listen, if you’re changing, it doesn’t feel good at first. It doesn’t. I don’t care what anyone says. People will say, “Well, if you’re not in the flow, it’s not going to work.” Yeah, I get that, and you really do have to get in the flow. However if it is not something you have experienced before, it is seen as a threat to your subconscious and will NOT feel comfortable.

Find your flow, not your comfort

Now being in the flow is following up on inspiration. You know, you get those one-off ideas, those things that sound random and you shouldn’t be doing it. You’re like, “Well, why would I do that? That doesn’t make any sense.” Follow through with it. That’s being in the flow. That’s taking action when you’re getting inspiring ideas.

Being in your comfort zone is when you shut up in a meeting when you should be speaking, or when you change your message because you’re worried about what the other person’s going to say. It’s not easy, guys. I can tell you. There are some things, especially with what I talk about, that sends people reeling. Just using the word fuck pushes people’s buttons and I do it every fucking day. Just talking about sex makes people really cringe. How could you say those things? Guess what? It’s my job. I need to push people outside of their comfort zone, which means I can’t live in mine.

I want you to look back on the past six months to a year. Where have you settled for your comfort zone over your progress? What’s coming up for you? Where are you settling back down? Let’s get you pushed out of there, because I guarantee there’s some pretty big significant success on the other side of that. We can get you there.

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