
September 10, 2018

Your tolerance is keeping you broke!

Your tolerance is what is keeping your broke!

And sexually unsatisfied.

If you were raised with a middle class mindset you were told to make due with what you have.

That you don’t need extravagant things.

That you should never ask for too much.

Be realistic in what you can expect from your life.

Don’t ask for help, you should figure it out on your own.

Travel minimally and as cheaply as possible.

The way people treat you is built into your tolerance. If you push back, set expectations, stand up for yourself, call people out you are no longer considered ‘nice’.

You are tolerating boring/no/unfulfilling sex because it just wasn’t something your family tolerated discussing.

The series of bad girl/boyfriends you’ve had were a result of what you tolerate.

Your message is a watered down version of what you want to say because you tolerate the opinions over others rather than the knowledge in what you are meant to share.

The way your clients treat you is part of your tolerance.

I have grown through this myself. I tolerated investing money in mentors that didn’t deliver. I tolerated their excuses because they were ‘nice’. I tolerated being neglected in a relationship and not expecting anything.

The truth is I was not fully owning my worth and willing to tolerate feeling smaller so they didn’t feel bad about not delivering the connection/service and/or product I had paid for.

I tolerated the pattern that it was ok to walk all over me because I had not set and respected my boundaries.

This was a 15k+ lesson on my part and significant change in my personal life.

Are you putting up and shutting up in your life and business?

It is likely why you have never gone for the big numbers in business. Why your rates are lower than you’d like them to be. Why you have roller coaster months.

You tolerate shrinking your lifestyle to fit your budget rather than doing what it takes to grow your budget to fit your lifestyle.

Think about it…when you want something or want to work with someone, do you default to “I can’t afford that” or do you look for the ways you CAN afford it?

The patterns and limited beliefs you were raised with are the true barometer for your success and not what you actually want.

Goals slip by.

Nights go by.

You can ignore this message or…

Done tolerating yet? PM me.

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